This is a site with special focus on travel and pictures. But, as the title says: it is down my memory lane.
Under Travel Links you may find helpful links to differen travel related web-sites.
In My blog, I will write about places I have visited or other travel related subjects, but I might also write about other things on my mind. But most of the posts are in Norwegian. Sorry.
So, please feel free to browse this web site, and if you would like to make some comments, please use this button. All information on the Pictuer albums are in English.
Take a look. You might find a place you like.

Beside Photography, playing Jazz bass is a great hobby of mine.
I have played with different musicians in Norway and China. Longest steady period with one band was with Per Høglend Septett.
And In 1997, this band gave 11 conserts i Beijing, China, under the strange name:

Special experiances
In the period 1998 to 2001 did the Norwegian Refugee Council support the rehabilitation and modernizeing of Radio Scolaire in Bujumbura, Burundi. Here you may read more about Radio Scolair and the project.
During my stay in Burundi I tried to learn about the history of this small country in the middle of Africa. I collected some historical information that is shown in the History pages.
I will try to follow up the History pages with updated information. But at the moment this is difficult due to the special situation with a president that don't want to give up his chair, conflicting information from the government and what's on Twitter, in the internationall news and other internet sites. Local news desks are cautious since journalists have been arrested, and ordinary people are afraid of chattering to much about what's going on.
News in the Blog and the Picture albums:
Historien bak Green Castle Estate:
Og Annotto bay: